United States Navy FA-18C Hornet breaking the sound barrier, Photo: John Gay/US Navy.
"... design must be a practice that is 'experimental in the fullest and most dangerous sense.' By this he means that to overcome the anxiety inherent in our not knowing how or where a particular trajectory might find expression, we must confront its indeterminacy. In the current moment, perhaps, we can engage such indeterminacy directly in the information-rich environment of the algorithm and the constrained infinity of the biotechnical process, where the natural world has built a garden of forking paths that we can apprehend only through a dynamic mimesis of its own method of becoming."
-Kevin Pratt on Sanford Kwinter's FAR FROM EQUILIBRIUM: ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN CULTUREREAD MORE: "The Ends of the Parabola", ArtForum Summer 2008
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